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Loopz... please listen and vote...

Posted: 15/02/2003 - 7:08
by ifadeo
hello outthere....

i need some feedback, please download my 'Loopz' remix
and tell me what you think about it..... :wink:

it's the track called: 2Klang - Loopz (Radiowellen Mix)
download it at:


YES, it's online... please listen and vote....

cheers 2Klang

Posted: 15/02/2003 - 11:43
by hoomish
I really like this remix. I'd never heard the original, but I looked to up in HVSC and had a quick listen first. Nice style of remix, can't wait to hear the others you've done while RKO has been offline.

Posted: 15/02/2003 - 13:41
by tom
Well, it's something in the middle... therefore no VOTE!
It's not awesome but very nice.. Sounds a bit 80'ties :wink:

Posted: 15/02/2003 - 22:04
by Markus Schneider
I see a bit it like Thomas ...

The sounds are good, but i don't like the melody ! Take a look at the cycle of fiths and you will see that something is going weird with negative/postive interval jumps.

A bit Kraftwerkish at all ... :D

Posted: 16/02/2003 - 4:58
by Monty
Well, this is a tasty remix! :wink:

In my opinion it is "sehr geil", which means that I really love it! :D
I don't know why, although it seems to be a bit repetitive melodically I do not feel bored by listening to it. In no way!
It has this special "flow" to me.

Btw.: Whatever went wrong with the cycle of fifths (?), it sounds somehow cool and gives it "the touch". 8)


P.S.: 2Klang: More!


Posted: 16/02/2003 - 16:04
by merman
Hi 2Klang, very good remix, love the Jarre style ending. have to agree with the others that one or two notes sound out of place.
A good attempt at a Whittaker tune that IS repetitive in the melody, but a very atmospheric tune in the game itself..

Posted: 16/02/2003 - 20:44
by ifadeo
Monty wrote: Btw.: Whatever went wrong with the cycle of fifths (?), it sounds somehow cool and gives it "the touch". 8)

P.S.: 2Klang: More!
thx, your words are like blood for hungry vampire... :twisted:
you really catch the spirit of the remix, maybe no wonder...
i'm thinking you are also a little be new wave infected.... :wink:
so why not write a preview if you like it....

btw. on R:K:O: are three other NEW remixes from me, for more
info take a deeper look at the forum....

cheers 2Klang

Posted: 17/02/2003 - 1:31
by Monty
Yeah, you're right.
So I overwhelmed my omnipresent lazyness and reviewed it. :)

I really love your other remixes, too!!
I should have reviewed them too, but lazyness stroke back again :wink:
Maybe later...

Anyway, thanks for all the great remixes.


Posted: 17/02/2003 - 16:57
by Vosla
good tune overall... but dunno what irritates me there (maybe the same others mentioned... but i feel like having had a lobotomy today, so i can't get a grip on it) :o


Posted: 19/02/2003 - 11:28
by Markus Schneider
First off, i have to admit, that i thought 2Klang did this piece as a original. I didn't know that this remix was based on a SID from David Whittaker (2Klang said once he is doing more own pieces ...). :oops:
So i am sorry here (for underrating your good work) !

Everything i said had been meant to the original composer - now.

Whittaker used the tritonus which even the gregorian monks in the 8th century constitute as displeasing. While using two vocals in 5ths they remarked that downgrading from C-G to H(B)-F doesn't sound well. This interval is based on a step of six half notes instead of seven which makes a fifths. So the first degradation was invented: B (bB). The cycle of fifths has many,many basics for the music. One is that tones in the neighbourhood sound much more pleasant than tones further away. The Tritonus lays exactly opposite, so ....

It is often used in Jazz parts, where other scales are used. But then the tritonus replaces an other tone. Whittaker didn't do that. And that's the main reason why I personally - as listener - feel some displeasing in the original tune and the remix as well. Another reason was a dissonance in the second bar of the melody.

As a sample i corrected both and also went down instead of up before the tritonus at the end of the melody. Everything else is completely original, be sure. Even the added things are based on that (the horns with simple 5ths) ! I think it is much more harmonic now. (mastered in 5min, no details, etc.. pp. just a sample you know)

I know, people will say that now Loopz lost his special touch and that is true, but i really prefer harmonics and i would swear I am not out of the mainstream :wink:

Posted: 19/02/2003 - 17:01
by ifadeo
hi markus, thank you for point it out.... :wink:

btw. i LOVE music with edges..... :twisted:

that's a reason why love the music from console & fad gadget.....

cheers 2Klang

Posted: 20/02/2003 - 6:41
by Monty
Hmmm, thanks for explanation, Markus.
And, of course, I like your version too. So something must be right in what you mentioned.
But obviously it's not the only truth (And yes, I know you didn't claim that :) ).

Speaking as a listener (without music theory knowledge), I can only say that the (Whittaker- & 2Klang-)tune works for me. Maybe it's just because it's a little bit off-mainstream and sounds mysterious or kind of forbidden or whatever...Don't know...

And probably the 8th-century-monks just did not listen to Mr.Whittaker and Mr.2Klang! :wink:


Posted: 20/02/2003 - 9:32
by Markus Schneider
Monty wrote:Speaking as a listener (without music theory knowledge), I can only say that the (Whittaker- & 2Klang-)tune works for me. Maybe it's just because it's a little bit off-mainstream and sounds mysterious or kind of forbidden or whatever...Don't know...
Just tried to explain why some people said they are feeling a displeasing with that tune. :wink:
There are often people who still like tunes even if many rules are broken and I have no problem with that. Always a matter of taste. Anyway I think that wisely used music theory could help that more people like the work. And composers/remixers want that - otherwise they wouldn't ask for feedback ... :wink: