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C64 Choice language?

Posted: 07/08/2004 - 0:02
by Tim Forsyth
Is it me, or does O2's recent comic bakery remix say c*nt at 0:23?

starts off so innocent.........

Re: C64 Choice language?

Posted: 07/08/2004 - 0:35
by Slaygon
Tim Forsyth wrote:Is it me, or does O2's recent comic bakery remix say c*nt at 0:23?
Heh. Had a re-listen again, and sure... C*nt it says.

Posted: 07/08/2004 - 1:06
by Tim Forsyth
kinda makes ya wonder what they're baking! . *cough*

Posted: 07/08/2004 - 13:53
by Slaygon
Buns in the oven, no doubt.

Posted: 07/08/2004 - 15:14
by skitz
It makes me wonder what they are saying at 0:29 also? Hairy? Mary?

Although I am sure both of them together 0:24 and 0:29 actually say "Comic" and "Bakery" :)

Posted: 07/08/2004 - 15:43
by dan gillgrass
Also, if you play it backwards it says... "splonge" doubt some sort of Satanic message

Posted: 08/08/2004 - 8:24
by Vosla
...And nobody noticed the devillish "kawibbee kawibbee bazong"-line in the background...

What happened to Fuzzy Bear?