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Curious review comments

Posted: 26/02/2004 - 16:58
by Feekzoid
Just an interesting musing...

My archetype cover is getting about now.... and from the people that rated it, the outlook is good..

however... one person gave it a sad green face...


Does that mean that they dont like the tune?

..or does it mean that they dont think I covered my own sidtune well.. ?


lol, nothing serious, I just kinda thought it funny.

Posted: 26/02/2004 - 17:44
by Kenz
They probably just weren't familiar with the original tune.

It brought back lots of nice memories of the Psytronik Software era for me. Running a software company from my bedroom RULED! :D

Posted: 26/02/2004 - 18:43
by DHS
Check. Every single remix has at leas a green face.
Don't ask me why.

There's really some weird dudes around.

Posted: 26/02/2004 - 20:31
by LMan
Be aware though, that each mix has its green smiley from different people, who have voted for other top ten mixes much better. So it's just a matter of (bad?) taste. ;)

- Markus

Posted: 26/02/2004 - 23:15
by Feekzoid
LMan / Remix64 wrote:Be aware though, that each mix has its green smiley from different people, who have voted for other top ten mixes much better. So it's just a matter of (bad?) taste. ;)

- Markus
Oh. Damn.

*goes to call off hired-assasin*

Posted: 27/02/2004 - 9:59
by Markus Schneider
don't worry about it :wink:
Since it shouldn't be taste to have a range of low to high, I am saying myself that these guys just vote it down because they are scared that it is soooo good, that it will walk onto #1-10 and push off one of their favs. At least maybe some kiddies because I can see them coming over RKO not R64 because all TD Indi tracks have a clean range from good to outstanding :shock:

So just go on scaring them with top notches :wink:

Posted: 27/02/2004 - 11:00
by Chris Abbott
> TD Indi tracks have a clean range from good to outstanding
Yeah, but no one could possibly vote against Indiana Jones, and especially not those remixes. They're emotional in ways I can't describe... ;-)

Posted: 27/02/2004 - 12:09
by Markus Schneider
I should have known that there's always a fine excuse for this topic. :lol:
No doubt I love (too small word) them too and not only because they contain the original orchestral JW track in bg :-)

Posted: 27/02/2004 - 13:22
by LMan
TD Indi tracks have a clean range from good to outstanding
Hmm. That might be an indicator for Remix64 folks judging things better than RKO-Only folks. :)

Well off-RKO tunes will have their own place pretty soon. Obviously R64 only tunes are bound to score higher because of having a limited (more expert?) range of listeners.

- Markus :)

Posted: 27/02/2004 - 16:03
by ifadeo
LMan / Remix64 wrote:
TD Indi tracks have a clean range from good to outstanding
Hmm. That might be an indicator for Remix64 folks judging things better than RKO-Only folks. :)

Well off-RKO tunes will have their own place pretty soon. Obviously R64 only tunes are bound to score higher because of having a limited (more expert?) range of listeners.

- Markus :)
yep, i think you got it.... r64 folks take more care 'bout the remixes... :wink:

cheers ifadeo

Posted: 28/02/2004 - 14:18
by Mayhem
Well you know my opinion on it Feekzoid ;)

Posted: 28/02/2004 - 17:31
by weblaus
LMan / Remix64 wrote:
TD Indi tracks have a clean range from good to outstanding
Well off-RKO tunes will have their own place pretty soon. Obviously R64 only tunes are bound to score higher because of having a limited (more expert?) range of listeners.
So if I understood that right, you'll split the charts in different categories based on where a tune is downloadable?

I thinks that's the correct (and only) way to handle this, as it's a little bit unfair right now to composers who possibly have no place to store their mixes off-RKO and/or especially take the risk that greater exposure will influence the total score...

I didn't really think of this before reading this thread, but now it seems kinda obvious to me that the Indy tunes should sit on top (no matter how good they are) due to the different audiences that likely will score it (even more so since the former RKO-bases score I seem to recall was dropped).

On another note, are the ratings based on a straight average of all votes or is the number of votes weighted in (i.e. the way the IMDB handles it)?

Posted: 28/02/2004 - 21:42
by dan gillgrass
I gave it a more than good mark on the pre-jury !

Posted: 29/02/2004 - 8:49
by LMan
weblaus wrote: On another note, are the ratings based on a straight average of all votes or is the number of votes weighted in (i.e. the way the IMDB handles it)?
They're based on the average, in the rare event that 2 tunes have equal score, the number of votes makes the difference. Chris has made some experiments with different calculating models, but the results were laregly the same, so we sticked to the avarage-model.

- Markus :)