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Rolands Rat Race 7" vinyl

Posted: 09/02/2004 - 23:39
by bastard
Hello Boz + Kenz,

Is there a chance that you will upload the entire "RolandRatSuperstar" song ??! - im really hooked on it...

Posted: 10/02/2004 - 0:21
by C64GLeN
I think there are legal implications, which is a pity because I too am totally hooked.

Posted: 10/02/2004 - 11:16
by Matrix
Youre allowed upto 30 seconds i believe, under the "Fair Use" policy. Anymore and you'll be paying out royalties. Id seek Chris Abbots clarification on that though as he works with this type of stuff a lot.

Posted: 10/02/2004 - 12:21
by Chris Abbott
Nope, the 30 second thing is a myth, unless you've paid royalties to PPL for a blanket licence: and even then, supposedly a separate royalty is payable to MCPS/PRS. I'm looking into it. Best thing for you all to do it to email Kenz privately, and he let slip the URL in a careless moment if you promise him enough alchal er... alchol... er.. Booze!


Posted: 10/02/2004 - 13:00
by Kenz
I think I may have accidentally left the full track online. OOPS. ;)

If anyone wants it then send an email to and I'll "inadvertantly" send you the URL.

*Note: The track might cause clinically strange dancing and chair flailing*

Posted: 10/02/2004 - 16:43
by Kenz
Durr, silly old me sent the wrong URL to the first few peeps who asked for it.

The correct URL for the mp3 is now in your inboxes. :)

Posted: 10/02/2004 - 17:01
by Matrix
Damn Kenz, thats so incompetant of you, what a silly silly mistake to make ;) A mistake i may have made in your place too :D