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Re: Falcon Patrol II diary.

Posted: 07/04/2016 - 10:19
by noisefloor
Wow, this is nice! Did not expect this if i read "falcon patrol" :-D
Really cool idea to arrange it like this.

For the mix, i think it lacks a little bit more room or "bigger sound". Perhaps a little bit more reverb or a different type would fit better.
But the arrangement is very cool! Keep it up

Re: Falcon Patrol II diary.

Posted: 07/05/2016 - 9:53
by Mano-
Last night I had one of my music coma sessions. From 1m 20s to more or less finished at 3+ mins. It usually happens when I am sick and have to stay home from work some days. And now begins the tedious work of checking every channel for wrong notes etc and do a decent mixing.

Also, it looks like I can't upload pictures. I have a png file at 140kb and Im getting "The file is too big, maximum allowed size is 256 KiB."
Day unknown 1-1.jpg
Day unknown 1-1.jpg (116.67 KiB) Viewed 19824 times
Day unknown 1-2.jpg
Day unknown 1-2.jpg (104.82 KiB) Viewed 19824 times
Looks like it is the resolution and not the file size itself.

Re: Falcon Patrol II diary.

Posted: 07/05/2016 - 17:46
by Chris Abbott
Keeping an eye on this. Wouldn't mind getting a MIDI file to shove into Sibelius to do a render from that... ;-)

Re: Falcon Patrol II diary.

Posted: 30/06/2016 - 10:46
by Doddsy
It's shaping up nicely!

Re: Falcon Patrol II diary.

Posted: 12/07/2016 - 18:03
by Mano-
Vacation, crappy weather, and I'm done. It took much much longer then I would have liked and I did not change that much from the beta version in the end.
I'm quite hesitant to put out my original midi file BUT........ I did a MIDI file of all my unused variations and a lot of stuff than did not end up in the final remix. Its about 10 minutes long and there is a 1 second pause between every pattern (every pattern is 8 seconds long). I think FL Studio removed all cc data when it replaced everything for GM midi channels. I usually use cc controls for articulation changes (sustain, marcato, trills etc).

Re: Falcon Patrol II diary.

Posted: 14/07/2016 - 19:37
by Commie_User
Now that is some real music there.