First strike - From CCCP with love (WIP)

The place for musicians to share their knowledge and ideas about music and remixing, and to post WIP snippets and feedback. Also suggest tunes for remixing, here.
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First strike - From CCCP with love (WIP)

Post by manganoid »

HI guys. This is a mix I've been working on lately. It's a tune by Mark Cooksey which has a "wiff" of Russian Folk and russian Gypsy/Roma music. I tended to make it as raw and "garage band"-like as possible, but I guess it went on to another direction. It's still WIP but the sound ofthe bass and everything (except for the speech) is as I imagined it to be. Mastering sux (of course) so please, any advice would be appreciated.
Thanx in advance and greetz by manganoid

The link:
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Re: First strike - From CCCP with love (WIP)

Post by Analog-X64 »

I'm not qualified to give any advice, other than I like what I hear so far. :)
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Re: First strike - From CCCP with love (WIP)

Post by Infamous »

Hiya, Having a listen now.. >goes off to use his ears<

1st thing I gotta say is, heh! I remember this!.. the game was like afterburner wasn't it.. ahh fond memories.

I don't think cooksey when he wrote this tune was thinking russian's at the time (unless in a cold war way maybe) and when the accordion appeared I was a little put off to be honest but it grew on me quite quickly (is it actually possible to play that fast on one of them things though?).

I like the overall sound of it, theres actually not that much wrong with the sound as it stands now, sometimes the drums get flooded and end up a mile behind everything else so you might want to thicken them up a little bit. I also like the way as it goes on you keep on adding things to it, the choir pad sounds very nice, all in all its not a bad little rendition of the original tune.

Not much I can suggest you do to it other than finish it and send it off down the kwed pipe :)

Oh and lol@the speech at the end, if anythings likely to make any german hearing that sit up and go "OH NO.. :roll: not that bloody idiot again!" its that lol.
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Re: First strike - From CCCP with love (WIP)

Post by manganoid »

Thanks for the reply, I appreciate it and I'm glad you like it. BTW, my monitor went out of order last month and I waited for the vendor to repair/replace it since it was still under warranty, soooo, it was freaking hard working with my TV being the only display I had at the time. Anyhow, I got my Monitor replaced and now I'm back. Regarding the comments: well yeah, I think Cooksey had just that in mind (cold war and all) and YES, accordion CAN be played that fast :)
I'm still looking for good speech samples of Russian leaders from the cold war period (but I can't seem to find any ata desirable quality) > gotta keep googlin' <
When i finish this tune I'm definitely going to post it on the kwed.
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