Silver City

Have you released a new remix at Remix.Kwed.Org, AmigaRemix or somewhere else on the web? Tell the community about it here!
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Silver City

Post by ktulu »

Not sure I should've made this topic, jumping the gun here, but what the heck :)!

Thanx for the votes and comments people, means a lot to me :D.
I'm aware of the fact that I rushed uploading this remix, no mastering, lots of crackles near the end (FL6+Slayer+lots of filters do that :P) etc. Also, I agree it's too long (though it didn't seem that way to me back when I uploaded it :( ), I'll put more effort and creativity in my next remix :).

Well, anyway, I'd like to hear more suggestions and comments on this tune/remix, as well as pointers for "good remixing".

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Re: Silver City

Post by Chris Abbott »

ktulu wrote:Well, anyway, I'd like to hear more suggestions and comments on this tune/remix, as well as pointers for "good remixing".
1) Do remix
2) Don't upload it the minute the render is done. Wait two weeks. Ask friends. (this is where most people utterly fail)
3) Redo remix because you'll realise where you went wrong and be relieved that your public mistakes aren't there for all to hear.
4) Repeat 2-4 until step (3) seems unnecessary
5) Release or throw away!

Everything else is just detail. Most remixes I hear in the jury at RKO are "meh" because they haven't been fine tuned this way, or have obvious overwhelming flaws that feedback would have put right. Although the jury will reject those, so at least the remixer would get a bit of a step (2) reality check from that.

Won't somebody PLEASE think of the children?
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Post by ktulu »

Thank you for the pointers, truly appreciate it :). Actually, I waited for about a week before uploading, asked a couple of friends on their opinions...
I see that people here upload a "beta" of the remix somewhere else then post it in the forums (I sound like an idiot don't I :P ), so that's a pretty good way of getting opinions and critique.

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Post by Analog-X64 »

Why is your avatar running so fast? I'm getting tired just looking at it running. :)
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Post by Romeo Knight »

LOL, had exactly the same thought. I'm glad it's been already fixed - now change the direction of it because running to the left means regression, you know?! :)
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Post by ktulu »

:lol:, i uploaded this avatar when I registered because I didn't have a small enough pic :P. Frankly, I'm not sure why it runs so freakishly fast, I even tried to slow it down in Imageready. I'll change it to something squiddy.

@Romeo Knight, ah, but when playing Shadow of the Beast, your first stop should be the tree on the left, no? ;)

Man, that's what I love about this forum, I can chat with Chris Abbot and Romeo Knight! ;)

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Post by Analog-X64 »

ktulu wrote::lol:, i uploaded this avatar when I registered because I didn't have a small enough pic :P. Frankly, I'm not sure why it runs so freakishly fast, I even tried to slow it down in Imageready. I'll change it to something squiddy.
You didnt have to change it!!! I liked it. I could have slowed it down for you. Just e-mail or PM me the avatar and I'll fix it for you.
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Post by ktulu »

*Cartman voice* But I like thiiiis ooone ;). Thanks for the offer though.
And so this topic kind of strayed away...
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