S.N.O.R 8

Talk freely about the scene, the world of remixing, or anything off-topic unsuitable for the "Fun Forum".
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Max Levin
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S.N.O.R 8

Post by Max Levin »

One thought struck me last night... ... ... nah, just kidding! I never think. I'm about to move to a new apartment and all I do is gaming and fiddling with remixes that will probably never see the light. I should really concider buying a new sofa for da house since the place I live in right now is so small that I have to sit on my bed and watch the tv-news!... ... ... haha, almost gotcha there too (not)! Or maybe I should buy some matrasses and build myself an isolation-cell so I can make some noice whenever I want? Soon BITLive comes to Hamburg and I plan to make it a CROWDED place! Hope my plan will work or it will be as if I would never been born...

Also, I'm going for a diet on the chat and this messageboards. Time to understand once and for all that I am annoying, so damn annoying that people send me spam all the time to give me a hint (or maybe I'm just paranoid, I get alot of spam nowadays for no reason). Spam, for heavens sake, people wont even mail me because of the risque of getting a reply for it! They say it hundreds of times to their nearest webmaster that I'm irritating, so that the webmaster himself gets irritated by all the hatemail hitting him instead of me, which results: calling the bouncers to throw me out! Another reason for taking a break is ofcourse my horrible english (you who read all this and understand it all must be hyper-intelligent!)

Oh well, enough self-spanking. Timeout it is anyways even if my fingertips will start to itch for more typing-mayhem Afterall, If you saw the swedish program Wimans2 today you probably noticed a photo of some retarded person balancing three cats on his arms... yepp, that's me! Won their "Veckans Bravad"(beats me what "bravad" is on english, it's good anyways... and "veckans" means "the week") but I didn't actually won any cool stuff at all. Beats me why I aint angry, maybe I'm maturing or something.

And for "meine freunde" Thomas Detert (see! No way I am maturing!): Heres the main point of using a Mac
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