Listener's Reviews

all c64 only Amiga only

Displaying Reviews 211 - 240 out of 2389


Commando (The Train Back From Birmingham Remix) - arranged by Wobbler

Review by marzl, 18/10/2022

Very nice blend of old and new instruments. A tiny bit too long for my taste though.
Artistic skill
Nostalgia factor
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Mikie'ish, ELP'ish, and Live'ish - arranged by Karl R Pettersen

Review by LaLa, 18/10/2022

(19 years later)

This remix gets so many things right, and some not quite. The guitar in the intro is too obviously a pre-programmed synth (nothing wrong with any of that, it's just too obvious). For a remix that pretends to be live, it needs to sound more authentic. Then the bass sounds off, too. And the electric piano. Then the whiney lead towards the end sounds out of place, to…

However, I really, really like that the arrangement nails so many nuances of the original! All the little things that make it sound so jazzy are in here, too.

Considering the age of this remix it held up very well, but it would definitely benefit from an instrumentation upgrade (or by having this arrangement played by actual human performers).

Artistic skill
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Zynaps (Vaggelis saved me) - arranged by Slaygon

Review by LaLa, 16/10/2022

Yeah, totally agree with the subtitle - were it not for Vaggelis' guitar shredding, I would've rated this tune a grey at max.

NAAAH! Just kidding! 😁 Great collab all around!

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Ghost 'n Goblins - Orchestra Cover - arranged by Nordischsound

Review by TheTune, 15/10/2022

Great orchestral selection of instruments. A little more dynamics in the instruments played would have been nice. But otherwise a very great soundtrack that I really enjoy listening to.
Artistic skill
Nostalgia factor
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Is That All (Timeless Is More) - arranged by Wobbler

Review by Shargo, 13/10/2022

Obviously electronic sounds that almost makes the speaker warp into another dimension combined with traditional blipp - I love it!
Artistic skill
Nostalgia factor
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IK+ - arranged by Steve Foster

Review by LaLa, 08/10/2022

Those occasional bubbly arpeggios in the background (e.g. @ 1:22) - love it. The entire mix is rather low on volume, though, could've used some boost. The drums could've used some help in the mixing department, too. Overall, a cool idea in need of some refinement.
Artistic skill
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Cybernoid II - The Alt-Rock Mix - arranged by Peter Clarke

Review by wbdeejay, 08/10/2022

The live music sound is awesome. A very accurate recreation with lots of soul included.
Artistic skill
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Overall rating

Opus II - 100 years of demos ( - arranged by Slaygon

Review by Danko, 07/10/2022

This becomes very emotional to me, not only because I happened to have written the original version. Not only because I was not even a teenager at the time. No, this is very emotional to me because I made this SID as self therapy in a very dark period of my early life. And Slaygon has managed to convey this impeccably.
Artistic skill
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Overall rating

Commando (The Train Back From Birmingham Remix) - arranged by Wobbler

Review by Methanoid, 05/10/2022

great tune, even better if theres a version to be had with no vocals at the start.
Artistic skill
Nostalgia factor
Overall rating

Green Beret Blues - arranged by Marcel Donné

Review by Waz, 29/09/2022

Very Bladerunner-esque and some gorgeous atmosphere in this one. It takes all the best moments of the original and gives them room to breathe, without losing its feel either.
Artistic skill
Nostalgia factor
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Falcon Patrol II orchestra version - arranged by Nadin0xD400

Review by virgi, 28/09/2022

i really appreciate the instrumentals,it gives back the game's vibe. and i'm fond of classical music,so it's pretty satsfying to hear it with this amazing game.
Artistic skill
Nostalgia factor
Overall rating

International Karate - arranged by OJ Oscillation

Review by LaLa, 26/09/2022

One thing you definitely nailed in this remix is the bass sound. Damn, it's good! One thing you definitely missed in this remix is the guitar - it doesn't sound like a real guitar to me, and I think it just screams out for a real one. I am also not a fan of some of the arrangement, where e.g. the percussion in the left channel is mixed with a filtered synth and some sparkly pads and just a bunch of other things. Sometimes less is more… Lots of neat ideas in this remix scattered all over the place, and kudos for covering the IK tune in its entirety, but as a whole this just doesn't work for me.
Artistic skill
Nostalgia factor
Overall rating

Falcon Patrol II orchestra version - arranged by Nadin0xD400

Review by Jam, 25/09/2022

Those were fantastic times. I always loved the weird sound of the C64, but now a familiar tune in such a great arrangement - well, that's fantastic. Nadin has a great sense of the possibilities and the end result is really enjoyable!
Artistic skill
Nostalgia factor
Overall rating

Falcon Patrol II orchestra version - arranged by Nadin0xD400

Review by ruczlajos, 23/09/2022

Really constructive, great composer! I love it! A promising future awaits the young composer! Congratulations!
Artistic skill
Nostalgia factor
Overall rating

Green Beret Blues - arranged by Marcel Donné

Review by Armandox, 22/09/2022

Beautiful! Interesting and intelligent phrasing in your solo's. Also a very distinguished mix and master. Very pleasant to the ear! Goeie Marcel! 😉 *both thumbsup* I have to ask out of interest and peace of mind for my ears and brain…: Luftrum's Vangelis for Omnisphere?
Artistic skill
Nostalgia factor
Overall rating

Beroot Olejuuri (Your still my number one) - arranged by Stello Doussis

Review by D400, 21/09/2022

What a beautiful idea - Absolutly love the instruments and the solid and nice composition and vocals !! Really great musical piece of art!!
Artistic skill
Nostalgia factor
Overall rating

Green Beret Blues - arranged by Marcel Donné

Review by LaLa, 17/09/2022

Another masterpiece of fusion from Marcel's studio. I am a huge fan of Vangelis, and months later I am still depressed by his passing. And, of course, I am a huge fan of SID music, too. And Marcel is the amazing musician who is at the intersection of those two, here masterfully combining the style of Blade Runner Blues with the melodies of Green Beret. Marcel, words cannot express how much I appreciate your remixes, they mean so much to me on so many levels. Thank you!
Artistic skill
Nostalgia factor
Overall rating

Green Beret Blues - arranged by Marcel Donné

Review by slaygon, 16/09/2022

So many things going on here with how Marcel layers things. Just listen to those oscillators! Not only is he masterfully playing on the lead motif, but he breaks it down and then builds it back again, now Vangelis style. Teasing of something just beyond the horizon, leaving you wanting more. And I do want more than this trailer track with visions of a smokey room with Deckard interviewing Rachael.
Artistic skill
Nostalgia factor
Overall rating

Rastan - arranged by Glyn R Brown

Review by nd4spd, 12/09/2022

What can one even say about this remix? It has the perfect epic feel to it. If you've ever listened to anything from Two Steps from Hell, this is right in that same wheelhouse. Leave the tune alone Glyn, it's perfect the way it is.
Artistic skill
Nostalgia factor
Overall rating

The Last V8 (Metal Tribute) - arranged by XxDUSTYxX

Review by Waz, 07/09/2022

Very enjoyable and plenty of metal as you drive along with the most broken C64 game controls ever. It's very well made and just a little of the feel is lost for me, but kicks hard anyway. Definitely a sign of greater things to come later (see the 2020 Tusker rework!)
Artistic skill
Nostalgia factor
Overall rating

Fist2 - The Legend Continues (feat. Vaggelis) - arranged by XxDUSTYxX

Review by Waz, 07/09/2022

You want a hard rock and metal section for Fist II? Well, look no further. It's as if Neil Brennan himself reformed his band and played it this way. Thoroughly enjoyable and keeping the spirit of the SID intact too.
Artistic skill
Nostalgia factor
Overall rating

Cybernoid II (The Revenge) - arranged by Mutherpluckin' B

Review by LaLa, 06/09/2022

This would be your typical garage band setup, were it not for that occasional marimba (or whatever that percussion instrument is) that just cracks me up. I think I even hear a lap steel here and there.

I actually quite like this, has a certain oldschool prog-rock feel to it. Now, if you'll excuse me, I'll have to fire up my bong and my lava lamp while I listen to it once more. 😉

Artistic skill
Nostalgia factor
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Grand Prix Circuit - arranged by jensa86

Review by testacorsa, 05/09/2022

Well done! I am very impressed by your ability to keep it lo-fi. The dry sound, especially the drums is spot on. The Pad sound with delay on the first beat from 0:53 really takes it to another dimension, but still stays true to the spirit of the song. I imagine this is what Kristjan Hatlelid would have made it sound like, if the c64 had the ability back then. 10/10 . Absolutely ♥ it.
Artistic skill
Nostalgia factor
Overall rating

Ace 2 - Remastered - arranged by Oxx

Review by Eivind Sommersten, 05/09/2022

I really like this - a good take on the original! There is still a lot of headroom left in the mix though and I feel perhaps the low end is slightly left out and that could be causing it. Maybe just a bit more attention to mastering in general would help here. There is such tremendous growth in your mixes - in no time at all you will be on top, not only here!
Artistic skill
Nostalgia factor
Overall rating

Falcon Patrol II orchestra version - arranged by Nadin0xD400

Review by Gabiwan, 05/09/2022

I loved this game, it reminds me of my childhood. I love it, very good music. Congratulations!
Artistic skill
Nostalgia factor
Overall rating

Ace 2 - Remastered - arranged by Oxx

Review by LaLa, 05/09/2022

WOW! A huge improvement from your first version of this remix! Luckily, you kept the same overall arrangement, which I already liked in your first version. But you enhanced the sounds and the mixing in this one by leaps and bounds. I love the added vocals, too - they're sometimes subtle, but definitely improve the song. You injected a tremendous amount of energy into your arrangement with your tinkering. Very impressive, very well done!
Artistic skill
Nostalgia factor
Overall rating

IK+ remix - arranged by a-Mace

Review by Oxx, 23/08/2022

The beginning is so promising, I can't help feeling a bit disappointed with the rest. But all in all (after listening to it for multiple times), I think I liked the arrangement, the altered parts of the melody etc. Just one note , I think the part starting at 02:58 deserves a good lead instrument and some sophistication, but the supporting elements starting at 03:14 compensate for it. Most of the melodic parts are recorded (or programmed) without velocity fluctuations (if my ears are not failing me. If this is not so you can always correct me) Will listen to it once more now 😊
Artistic skill
Nostalgia factor
Overall rating

Terra Cresta - arranged by Johan Andersson

Review by Tas, 19/08/2022

I agree with Tim. This needed to be longer and as Tim superbly says - We needed to be taken on a journey.
Artistic skill
Nostalgia factor
Overall rating

Rambo High Score (RKO100 extended rework) - arranged by Johan Andersson

Review by LaLa, 18/08/2022

One year later…

An outstanding rendition of the Rambo High Score tune! I especially like when at 1:02 that bass comes in, then at 2:15 that piano track - very nice addition. And that trumpet during the last minute or so is just icing on the cake. I really like how it all builds up to that final minute.

Thank you for gifting us this extended version!

Artistic skill
Nostalgia factor
Overall rating

Auf Wiedersehen Monty - arranged by Dr Future

Review by LaLa, 16/08/2022

Here's what I like:

  1. The original SID as intro transforming into the modern production. Well done.
  2. The 80s feeling that I get from the instrumentation (especially the drums).
  3. The lead guitar.
  4. Good, balanced mix.

Here's what I don't like:

  1. Boring drum sequence. Sure, every 4 bars it adds a break with toms, but that's about it (and even that break is the same every time).
  2. Boring bass sequence. It's not that the one in the original SID is that exciting, but at least that adds variations to it from time to time to keep it interesting. Here we find none of that, there are just no subtleties to it at all.
  3. That improv sequence from 2:44. Usually, I greet these with great enthusiasm, but here it just doesn't seem to add much to the song.

Artistic skill
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Overall rating

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ⋅⋅⋅ 78 79 80